Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2019

From the novel "Claudine De Rse (The Legal Guardian)".

     Patience has always some limits, for some people narrow and rigid and for others wide and flexible, but with spectacular accuracy the time comes, when it reaches the ultimate resistance point and anything is possible to put it out of control. Then, occurs, as a deus ex machina, fate, luck, life or whatever else can one call that unexpected event, which intervenes in order to balance things, to prevent in the right moment the derailment and to restore harmony in circumstances. 
     I opened my eyes slowly but willingly after a good night’s sleep. The sunlight that sneaked from the windows dull and melancholic, betrayed the beginning of a still blurry, summer day, while the wet June was spreading for a week the almost cloudless days and nights over the land of the old Albion. 
    Everywhere around me a dreamy quiet was being spread and thus I stayed a little longer in my bed to enjoy the indolent morning. I held my breath to listen to the compositions of the singing birds which was reaching my ears from the outside of the room’s windows. I felt peace and beauty, feelings that were replaced by an irresistible, sudden desire to stand up and run to the garden close to all these that with great artistry nature had made. 
     I started getting dressed hurriedly as if I did not want to lose a single minute from my walk and rushed into the corridor, as I did not even do as a child. There was not obvious or particular reason of that euphoria. It was just one of those rare days during which all people feel suddenly optimistic and hopeful without any cause. All around seemed to have transformed from simple and ordinary into magical and exciting events. It was that feeling that something good or at least different would happen which painted my mood with lively, colorful touches.

From the novel "Claudine De Rse (The Legal Guardian)". Chapter C, The Encounter. Irene F. Fotis, 2019.

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